PRISM – a virtual recital

I was delighted to collaborate with Drew Shipman, a fine young flutist from the University of Puget Sound, on a virtual recital in July 2020. You can download the program notes here!

The program featured both established and emerging LGBTQ and BIPOC composers, highlighting how their life experiences inform the creation of their art. Prism, in a figurative sense, can be used to describe the clarification or distortion afforded by a particular viewpoint – in this case, the composer’s (often intersecting) identities. This program is not meant to be an act of performative allyship, but rather a use of our platforms to shine the spotlight on composers who deserve more recognition for their craft. especially given the institutional disadvantages they have faced as people who do not embody the canonic composer archetype (straight white men). Featuring works by Jennifer Higdon, William Grant Still, Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, Aaron Copland, Alex Temple, Sue Jean Park, and a world premiere by Eliott Wells, a fellow student of Drew’s at the University of Puget Sound.


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